Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Commune helps the Philippines top Earth Hour! (Commune Public Service)

For those of you who haven't already heard, The Philippines topped the recently held Earth Hour 2009. The PI scored an all time high when 650 cities switched off their lights last March 29, 2009 to show support for the said event.
Photo courtesy of

Commune, like the rest of the Philippines and the world participated in Earth Hour 2009. However, Commune went all the way just for Planet Earth. How you ask?

Simple, we switched off our lights and A/C unit, unplugged the speakers.. heck we closed the shop! If that's not dedication, I don't know what is. To top it all off, we started "Earth Hour" at 5:00pm! (FYI Earth Hour is from 8:30pm - 9:30pm only) Commune normally closes at 9pm on Saturdays, but our love for the planet prompted us to shut our doors early.

That my friends, saves the planet and helps your country break records! Check out the store photo below.
Photo from inside Commune


keeping global warming at bay!

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